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Food As Medicine

Nutrition is central to the Ayurvedic approach and to medicine. Food must nourish and nurture at the same time it brings balance to the body. Food conveys both consciousness and life-energy or prana to the individual. For food to be optimally life-enhancing, re-vitalizing, and nurturing three elements are key:

  1. Digestion—the ability to absorb and assimilate—must be strong.

  2. Food must be fresh, delicious and satisfying.

  3. Food selection must be suited to the individual’s imbalances.

These are listed in order of importance.  Without proper digestion, not only are important nutrients not absorbed, but food itself becomes toxic as it slowly rots in the digestive tract. If food is not fresh, it will contain no life-energy or prana, and will not give sufficient energy to the individual. If food is not delicious and satisfying, then it will not be digested and assimilated well. Finally, if the wrong foods are selected they can contribute to further imbalancing the individual. This last point is often where most people focus all the attention, whereas the first two are equally important. 

Image by Calum Lewis

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Ayurvedic Goodies

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Ayurvedic Questionnaire

What's your Prakriti?

Yummy Dahl Soups

Dahl Soup Recipes for each dosha

Roasted Cauliflower & Squash Soup

Hardy Soup great for Vata Season and all Doshas

Chickpea/Garbanzo Bean Soup

Warming, Tasty, Hardy Soup

Stewed Apple

This is a great recipe for early morning nourishment. It stimulates timely bowel movements, as well as digestion and metabolism for excellent quality and quantity of Ojas— the body’s master coordinator.


Easy to make Ghee


Lassi is the natural way to get probiotics. It is important to colon health. It inhibits the growth or overgrowth of toxic bacteria in the gut.


Freshly made yogurt is easier for people to tolerate because it contains lactase enzyme produced by the bacterial cultures used to make it. Yogurt in the morning is a tasty breakfast. Add granola or make into a Lassi drink.

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